January 2009

Is there anything cuter than puppies pretenting to play football?

Dressing up as a Gorilla has no limits towards hilarity.


(pic is from here)

The only board game in existence that never ends peacefully.

I actually made it to 100 posts. It took me half the time it took for my main blog, Beaming For Bunnies to do the same thing. It’s 100th entry can be found here.

I’d like to thank my loyal readers: Bill, DC, Myles, Whathisname. I apologize if I didn’t mention you.

Last week after posting my entry for “Kirby Super Star Ultra,” it seems that I started getting hits from some site called Alphainventions.com. I’ve looked at it, and it’s a site that links to thousands of blogs that t appear on its front page as soon as they get updated.

The site got me about 50 hits over those two days. I then noticed that stuck to the front page was a list of blog entries that mentioned the site, primarily in its title.

Cue yesterday’s “AlphaInventions.com…In 10 Words” entry. It was a shameful ploy to get traffic. It worked.

Sunday: 32 visits
Monday:  7,891
Tuesday (As of this writing): 2,775

Holy. Shit. You should never deem something as “Epic” too often, but I feel that this was justified. I had more visitors in a day than Beaming For Bunnies had in 11 months.

I thank the thousands of people who looked at that one entry and then left to look at the next blog.

In order to increase regular viewers, I am confirming that there wil be a page listing every In 10 Words entry coming soon. Much in the way that is set up by a favorite blog of mine “1000 Awesome Things.”

I should have started doing that when I started the blog. Oh well.

UPDATE: It’s up! Click here!

Also, I made a logo for the blog! You like?

I’m learning about history while watching cartoons!

That’s not fair!


(ps: Welcome Alphainventions.com visitors!)

There's really no point to this pic. It's just the first google image hit for "Alphainventions.com"

I don’t know how I got traffic…but thank you.

(psst, check out my other blog here: galileo908.blogspot.com)

Hey, a Ben Stiller movie that's actually funny!

Robert Downey Jr. is the only reason to watch this.

(pic is from here.)

Only 13 Treasures at the last area of Great Cave Offensive?! KIRBY FAIL!

The Best Kirby Game Ever™ actually managed to get improved!

Good riddance.

These sarcastic pieces of Spencer’s kitsch are now rendered useless!

(artist’s rendering)

I just love saying “President Obama.”

President Obama!

Try it!

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